2024 torna residents
Max Parnell and Marlies van Hak will be our guests this year in August at the torna house. We are so looking forward to having them both and to the days we'll be chatting about sounds, spaces, rooms - and books!
An Illusion of 16 People, Working Towards The Illusion of Fair Existence -
This is a new project starting in December 2023 with 16 artists, 16 names and 16 illusions. It may be an ongoing project for some and may take a long time to conclude. SEE HERE for more information.
A Complicated Structure (A resident's notes) -
At the start of the 2023 torna residency program, we'll begin a 'diary' platform for each resident artist. They will use these pages as notebooks to scribble down thoughts, notes and plans. We are starting off with Umut Altıntaş' notes.
Looking forward to sharing the houses, the desks and the books with these resident artists this summer.
Umut Altıntaş
Sandra Zanetti
Faustine Duval
Sedef Karayel
TORNA RESIDENCY - change of plans...
Our initial aim was to get the old Iznik house ready to live in with the resident artists from the beginning of May 2023. However, it looks like the house won’t be finished by then. We were too naive again to assume so.
So we’ve come up with another plan in order to carry on with the residency program and start off with the 2023 plans in ways we can.
Here is the new plan: We are now having two exciting locations for the guests. First, we'll have a shorter stay in İznik, perhaps around a week. Then, we'll come to Şile, İstanbul - a small fishing town by the Black Sea and stay here for the remainder of the residency. If your residency is longer than 1 month, and you wish to go back to İznik again, we'll be happy to arrange it for you. This year we'll have one artist at a time.
You are welcome to use the Iznik house and the surroundings as a research trip for your project and treat the Istanbul location as a more comfortable, tidy space to work on the project while you can spend a bit of time by the pool or the beach.
See HERE for more information and do get in touch if you have any questions.

A new torna residency will start in June 2023.

- We have two new studio interns, Meryem and Klara. They'll be working at torna between March and May 2022.
- A new torna conversation is now up online. See it HERE.

torna always tried to stay financially independent without any funding from private or public sources. Once the money ran out, we just stopped the making for the time being. This year we are working towards a mini shop to sell a few things that are not books, to be able to finance the coming torna projects. If you think something you have or make may be a good thing to sell in torna, please do get in touch and we can support each other!

torna books coming out of their boxes in the middle of a toddler world covered in a toy debris. A reality one has to accept and move on :)

We've emptied our torna rooms and won't be there for quite some time. We'll be working on online and off-space projects. Meanwhile, a publisher, two architects and a musician will be guarding the rooms on our behalf. You can follow our work on our website and find all the torna books on our online shop.

The first series of torna cards is finally published. You will be able to find them in torna very soon.

Below are the names of the selected artists for the first set of cards:
Begüm Akın
Pamela Arce
Ünal Bostancı
İpek Burçak
Sevinç Çalhanoğlu
İrem Günaydın
Eren İleri
Merve Kaptan
Cansu Korkmaz
Yavuz Parlar
Kiah Reading
Anastasia Starikova
Andrea da Villa
Decker Wald
Emin Yüksel

We are looking for works to be printed on A6* postcards. We are especially interested in works that are keen to use the postcard format as their medium. In the end, 200 works will be selected. These will be printed onto 300 gsm postcards in an edition of 20.
The printing process will begin with the first 25 works, then continue in groups. The first set of 25 will be printed in March. The money we make from the sale of the first set of cards will be used to print the following set.
We accept submissions on an ongoing basis. Selected artists will be notified via email.
You can send your work to merve@tornaistanbul.com with 'Postcard' in the subject header. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
*105mm x 148mm
- Mono Kultur #44 Trevor Paglen - #43 Fatima Al Qadiri)

- Sneak a Peek by New York based Turkish curator Lal Bahçecioğlu. (Find more information on the project HERE)
- torna is taking some time off. Back in October.

- BAHAR exhibition is now closed. See exhibition page for more details on torna's room.

- We are holding the launch event today. Come and get a copy.

- torna room which is called A Woman Wrote This will have ruins, buildings and paper.
- We also selected 4 books from the bookshop - you can come and read them in the room:

- torna's installation produced in collaboration with folio starts in 2 weeks' time in BAHAR.

- We've now printed, hand stitched, and folded Emin Yüksel's new book: 'This Book Contains'
We are holding the launch event on Sunday 14th May.

- torna will work with folio for BAHAR exhibition, opening 13th May.

- torna will be part of BAHAR, an exhibition curated by Zeynep Öz, as part of 13th Sharjah Biennial.
Starting in May. More info to come soon.

- A new book by Merve Kaptan is due to be published in April 2017.

- We've started working on a new book with Istanbul based artist Emin Yüksel, due to be published in April 2017.

- We've got two new books published by Sternberg Press: 'Publishing As Artistic Practice' & 'Presence'

- We recieved more amazing LPs from Sleeperhold Publications. See here for more info. And you can listen to a bit of it here.
- New mono.kultur editions can now be found at torna