Off Season
Timothée Huguet / 29 September - 27 October 2012
A solo show of video screening and wall installation by Istanbul based French artist Timothée Huguet.
speaker 1
- we know that 20 years ago, was it?…that was 20 years ago…all this…to those roads...just to those roads…that was 20 years ago… hmmmm.
speaker 2
- ...20 years ago...
speaker 1
- there were no hotels…no HOTELS!…hotels were in Göçek…just here one or two shops…then the road where you can see…hmm…not the fairground, there was a big, big well (circular movement with his arm) and a bit of water-c[car noise]…we have been coming here for 13 years...
speaker 3
- 15, 15...
speaker 1
- we are...6 to 11 weeks in England, the rest…yeah yeah, but we are going back to England because we've got business so... we'll go back to England, but we'll come back for the new year, because they celebrate new year...big soul...obviously they aren't christian, they don't celebrate christmas but they do, everybody in the world celebrates the new year and there they really go for the big parties...there are these fires and parties, singing and dancing...yeah pretty good...(he laughs)
speaker 3
- ...before here, just here, that was just concrete, there were no shops or anything at all…we came from the california hotel and we walked down the hill and there was nothing there…this, was the market place where they sold the clothes and this was the market place where they sold the vegetables.
...we come and live here…just old people who are retired…now we bring our dogs, two dogs from Birmingham…
...the weather, cost of living and something…we enjoy being here...
(a conversation with 3 local English people in Ölüdeniz, southern Turkey, 2010)